WimpWorks v2 © Jaffa Software 1996-2015 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ V2.39 (23-Nov-2015) V2.39 (23-Nov-2015) * Bug fix for zero page read access when starting up when sorting the online help window * Bug for to EVERY() keyword which would make a zero page read access after the last scheduled entry V2.38 (08-Oct-2007) * The default application sprites now include an iconised version of the main sprite to represent the pinned version of the application's window * Internationalised and corrected spelling of a warning message * The check for which version of MenuUtils is required by WindowEd would always favour the 32 bit version due to a typo in the system variable name * The file date reported in the 'about this project' box now uses the same format that SYSDATE uses, rather than using Sys$DataFormat * Reworked the logic that calculates if a project is modified or not, so that changes are prompted to be saved when clearing or loading a new project V2.37 (06-May-2006) * Applications produced using WimpWorks now prefix an AIF header to the main !RunImage, declaring they are 32 bit compatible and to pass more stringent executable file checking * Bug fix for COPYICON(), the local copying of indirected strings introduced in V2.36 would fail if no validation string was present * Bug fix for INTERSECTS() where it would always report an intersection when box 1 was vertically above box 0. Sped up code too. V2.36 (13-Mar-2005) * Task Editor now allows !Run file editing (eg. for module loading etc.) with the user defined lines being inserted before the application is launched * Bug fix to use of CHANGEITEM() with an item length which either grew past 12 characters or shrunk below 12 characters when the control string was empty causing a data abort * Fix to menu structure generating code for menus of exactly 12 characters which would sometimes tick the N+1th menu entry * Use of COPYICON() now takes local copies of indirected strings * A maximised/minimised window containing a pane now correctly repositions the pane too V2.35 (25-Mar-2003) * You may now save applications with nothing in the "sprite name" field leading to no iconbar icon (rather than having to delete it later) * A guard is made against running two copies of WimpWorks at once which confuses OLE sessions * Minor bugfix to subroutine editor menus * The active region for the mouse dragging files from a saveas box now permits the file to be dragged to the bottom of the screen and the iconbar pop to the top V2.34 (30-Nov-2002) * Changes to MenuUtils and OLESupport modules for 32 bit compatibility * Migration to newer (32 bit) compression tools * Resave all Demos with the new version * Documentation/contact detail updates V2.29 (24-Feb-2002) * Clear synergistic cache in REDEFINE() * Improved internal error handling in low memory situations V2.28 (26-Jan-2001) * Decreased loading time by 33% * Added ability for lines to end in "_", a la Visual Basic * Added new "Run" option to Project menu (shortcut ^F5) * UCASE/LCASE work better with non-English locales and fixed bug in UCASE (w.r.t. character ranges) [Pre V2.28 changes trimmed]